Discovery Set

  • 19 EUR
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Article Number: 42
Supplier: Romella International AB

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DISCOVERY SET 13 x EdP 1ml + free shoppingbag 
Not available in the U.K

Get to know SG79 | STHLMs entire fragrance library with the discovery set. Try all 13 perfumes and explore the artwork by Dawid that inspires the fragrances through this set, where each fragrance is included in a small and convenient 1ml format. Try each one out and give the perfume a chance to express its top notes, middle notes and base notes on your skin. Mix and match the fragrances to experiment your way to the scent that works absolutely best for you. With the discovery set you can find your favourite perfume before investing in a bigger bottle. SG79 | STHLM is about finding the scent that allows you to express yourself in the best way, and each scent is unique to each individual - so let the discovery set lead the way to you finding your personal perfume that allows you to do just that.

“Please be advised the samples are not spray bottles”